With a voucher from Wald-Abenteuer for your children, your partner, your parents, friends, relatives or comrades you give a real highlight. Our vouchers are valid for three years .
To place an order, first select one or more vouchers and then fill out the order form at the bottom of the page.
To select your vouchers click on the + / – fields below the pictures.
Geldwert Gutschein: 5,- bis 500,- €
Valid for all services.
You specify the amount
(from €5 to €500).
> Mehr Infos
Our cash value voucher is redeemable for all offers in our forest climbing parks Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Velbert-Langenberg and Leiwen: Climbing, death slingshot, etc. – detailed description at www.wald-abenteuer.de.
We only ever debit you for the amount you actually use. You can use the remaining amount on another visit or transfer it to someone else.
Advance booking required, at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or by telephone on 0221 98 25 6000.
Children's course: € 17.00
Voucher for the children's course.
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the children’s course in our forest climbing park Leiwen on the Moselle.
The children’s course may be climbed from 105 cm (age recommendation min. 4 years). Children under 6 years in the care ratio 1 adult to a maximum of 2 children on the trees, children from 6 years can be cared for from the ground.
Climbing time plus harnessing and instruction time is a regular 90 minutes.
Arrive 20 minutes before at the ticket office. Advance booking necessary.
Further information at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 / 98 25 6000.
The voucher is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.
Adventure up to 18 years: € 23.00
Voucher Adventure-Parcours (price level: under 18 years)
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the adventure course in our forest climbing park Leiwen at the Mosel.
The adventure course can be climbed from a height of 140 cm and 11 years. From 14 years unaccompanied. For youths under 14, one adult supervisor required for up to 10 climbers. Supervision from the ground possible.
Climbing time is 3 hours including instruction time.
Arrive 20 minutes before at the ticket office.
Advance booking advisable, at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 / 98 25 6000.
The voucher is valid for 3 years from the date of issue
Adventure from 18 years: € 27.00
Voucher Adventure-Parcours (price level from 18 years)
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the adventure course in our forest climbing park in Leiwen on the Moselle.
The climbing time, including the instruction time, is 3 hours.
Arrival 20 minutes beforehand at the cash desk.
Pre-booking necessary, at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 /98 25 6000.
Season ticket children's course: 79,- €
Voucher season ticket children's course, including climbing maze.
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the children’s course, including the climbing labyrinth, in the climbing parks of Wald-Abenteuer in Velbert-Langenberg, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and Leiwen.
The children’s course may be climbed from 105 cm (age recommendation: min. 4 years). Children under 6 years in the care ratio 1 adult to a maximum of 2 children on the trees, children from 6 years can be cared for from the ground.
Climbing time plus harnessing and instruction time is a regular 90 minutes, plus about half an hour in the climbing maze.
Arrive 20 minutes before at the ticket office. Advance booking necessary. Further information at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 / 98 25 6000.
Exchanges are no longer possible from the start of the season.
The season ticket can be used during regular opening hours.
For regulatory reasons, you must attend a briefing at each visit. We reserve the right to shorten your briefing depending on the size of the briefing.
You will need to book a regular briefing appointment.
Personalization is done on their first visit.
Season tickets for the children’s course, which are purchased to accompany children under the age of 6, can be used by both parents of the respective child.
Season ticket Adventure up to 18 years: 110,- €
Adventure Parcours season ticket voucher (price level under 18 years)
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the climbing parks of Wald-Abenteuer in Velbert-Langenberg, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and Leiwen.
The climbing time is 4 hours including the instruction time.
Arrive 20 minutes before at the ticket office. Advance booking necessary.
Further information at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 / 98 25 6000.
Exchanges are no longer possible from the start of the season.
The season ticket can be used during regular opening hours.
For regulatory reasons, you must attend a briefing at each visit. We reserve the right to shorten your briefing depending on the size of the briefing.
You will need to book a regular briefing appointment.
Personalization is done on their first visit.
Season ticket Adventure from 18 years: 120,- €
Adventure Parcours season ticket voucher (price level from 18 years)
> Mehr Infos
This voucher is valid for the climbing parks of Wald-Abenteuer in Velbert-Langenberg, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and Leiwen.
The climbing time is 4 hours including the instruction time.
Arrive 20 minutes before at the ticket office. Advance booking necessary.
Further information at www.wald-abenteuer.de/buchen or Tel: 0221 / 98 25 6000.
The voucher is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.
Exchanges are no longer possible from the start of the season.
The season ticket can be used during regular opening hours.
For regulatory reasons, you must attend a briefing at each visit. We reserve the right to shorten your briefing depending on the size of the briefing.
You will need to book a regular briefing appointment.
Personalization is done on their first visit.